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Why do I get foot blisters?

Blisters are caused by friction resulting from rubbing.  The friction causes the skin to raise filling with a watery fluid.  When blisters occur on feet, it is most commonly from shoes rubbing.  Most commonly this occurs when wearing new shoes that fit improperly or are new.  This can be magnified when doing something active.

What are bunions?

Bunions are thick bumps that form where the big toe meets the foot.  Usually the big toe pushes inward against the other toes which causes the bones on the outside of the foot to stretch.  This is where the bunion occurs.  Generally, bunions are more likely to occur the older a person a gets.  Studies show they are passed on through genetics as well.

What are corns?

Corns (also referred to as helomas or clavi) are very similar to calluses.  Both are chunks that form in the skin as a result of continued pressure and usually result in pain.  They are more likely to form on people over 65 years-old.  Corns are thicker and more round compared to calluses that are flatter.  The best ways to prevent them from forming is to make sure to wear properly fitting footwear.  For areas that rub regularly but are not affected by shoes, it’s a good idea to add extra padding or lubricant such as petroleum jelly.

What is athlete’s foot?

Athletes foot is a fungal infection of the foot also called ringworm of the foot or tinea pedi that affects the top layer of skin.  It’s caused by a fungus called Trichophyton.  Despite being fairly common, it can only infect the skin if the conditions are just right.  It can be spread from either direct or indirect contact but for the fungus to attach to the skin it must be warm and moist.  Common symptoms of athlete’s foot are dry, burning, and itchy skin, usually between the toes or on the bottom of the feet.  It’s usually easily treated with over-the-counter medications.

What are flat feet?

Flat feet is a condition that affects the arch on the inside of the foot.  While it’s normal for babies and toddlers to have flat feet, the condition can happen when the arches don’t form during early childhood. It can also develop in later years as a result of injury or from simple wear and stress due to aging.  The most common cause of flat feet is weakening of the tendon in the foot, which can also create issues with knees and ankles.

Why are my feet dry?

While anyone can be affected with dry skin on their feet, having diabetes or athletes foot will greatly increase the odds of having it.  Most people don’t know that skin on the feet is different from the rest of the body in that it doesn’t have oil glands like skin everywhere else.  Instead it utilizes sweat glands for moisture.  This means that people who don’t moisturize their feet regularly can also suffer from dry feet.

Fast Fact: About 75% of Americans will experience foot pain at some point in their lives.

Fast Fact: Many instances of foot pain are early symptoms of bigger problems, like arthritis, diabetes, and circulatory disease.